Born Again Re*Creations

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

The Stairs To Nowhere

Craftsman Era Staircase
The top 1/2 of the staircase that goes to the loft


When I started this blog, I really did have good intentions of keeping it up to date! I am not sure what happened to the time, but it flew! I will do better!

The demo process on the building is going slow, though. Wish that was flying! One problem has been the weather, so maybe now that Spring is here, the weather will improve and we can make progress. But the biggest obstacle has been contractors. Finding contractors that work on old historic buildings is not easy. When we think we've found one, they no show, or don't call you back.

#314, "The Time Capsule", is the building we are putting all our efforts into right now. Because, this will be the building that will be my store below, and the loft which we will be living in. It needs everything in the living space, because it has not seen life in close to 100 years. While there is a toilet and a lavoratory, both from 1914, there is no running water. And while there is electricity, it runs through cotton insulated wire down to a single bulb at the end of an upside down lamp socket switch. Not exactly to code. There is no HVAC. And while there are windows in front that let in some natural light, the windows in back are gone and boarded up. So, we need a plumber, an electrician, and an HVAC tech. Oh, did I mention that we need to plumb for gas, too?
But, first things first. We need stairs. A full set of stairs. Because without a staircase there is not a feasible way to conveniently get to the upper floor. Right now we have a half of a beautiful Craftsmen era staircase that ends about 17 ft from the ground floor. To get to that, we have to climb up a pull down attic staircase, and onto a platform, and walk over to the staircase from there. Again, probably not code. So, we have hade several wood craftsmen come take a look at finishing the existing 1/2 staircase, as well as build another full staircase at the front of the building ... Which used to have one there, too, but was removed sometime in the last century. Where they went is anyone's guess. Regardless, we need stairs! We also need a contractor to call us back with an estimate! New homes are built all the time. I just don't know why it's so hard to find someone! In the interim, we trudge on.

Here is how we get things downstairs now .... man and rope .... and me at the bottom!


Below is upstairs front landing where the front stairs were at one time. We noticed a different size wood on the floor where it had been closed up. Can you see it?

So, if anyone knows someone in the north Texas area that can build stairs similar to the ones below, please contact me! 


The Husband just came home from the bookstore ... he purchased a book on stair building.