Born Again Re*Creations

Friday, January 9, 2015

The Time Capsule

I Love A Parade!

Building 2 ~ #314 Far right (Building 1 next door to the left  ~ How it looked "in the day".  Hoping and praying the ornate is still there once the metal facade is removed)

The photographer was standing on my awning to take this picture. Most of all the old pictures you see I have found online. And most all of the old pictures of "the buildings" involve a parade! I love a parade ... without them, I would have no pictures of my buildings! 

When we were shown the other building on our second visit to look at the first building again, we knew it was going to be a difficult decision between the two. Which is why we slept on it, and ultimately decided to buy both buildings. We figured we could decide which one we would keep at a later date, after we got in them and really started to get a feel for them, and the town. And whichever one we decide on in the future, the other would be an investment. We could restore and sell, or lease or ... more on that later.

Front view of #314 ~ In front there is a lamp post, a handicap park (husband loves that) and a crosswalk. All pluses! 
We have a meeting with Historic Preservation next week for approval of removal of the metal. Hoping for windows behind it!

Back/alley view 
Bottom windows bricked in, transoms over doors bricked in, upstairs loft windows boarded up. 
All window sills are limestone! Amazing!

So, here is a glimpse inside the upstairs loft of #314. It is truly like taking a step back in time. From the Victorian wallpaper on the walls and ceilings over the plaster and lath, to the original wood floors, skylights, and manual freight elevator. It has been untouched for many, many years. This is the one I want to make my home. 

These individual rooms were used in the late 1890's - 1920's for offices. 
First used by physicians, and later by attorneys. 

Freight elevator pulley system

Boarded up skylight opening. There are three of these! The glass is long gone from the roof. But we will be putting these back! 

I know she looks pretty rough now, but in time, this will be an awesome living space after her transformation!  

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